Family Law Agreements

One of the most romantic things a couple can do is discuss how they handle their finances. Money issues are the number one reason for divorce, and establishing a prenuptial agreement provides a platform for couples to discuss their financial future. It gives couples an opportunity to talk about how their family finances will be handled and take advantage of a neutral third-party professional.

Just like a prenuptial agreement, a postnuptial agreement is a contract that lays out terms regarding a couple’s assets, property, debt and income. Typically, spouses who want to develop a postnup have had substantial changes in their income, property or inheritance. Perhaps they always intended to draw a prenuptial, but ran out of time before the wedding.

Family law agreements typically include:

  • Pre-nuptual agreements
  • Post-nuptual agreements
  • Marital Settlement Agreements
Myra Chack Fleischer

Myra Chack Fleischer, CLS-F*

Family Law Attorney

With more than 20 years in family law and many successful divorce cases Myra’s is very skilled at crafting family law agreements. In addition, her background in accounting and the specialization as a CLS-F* are a rare combination for anyone seeking agreements that are thorough and sound.

Call Myra Now